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VISION: Omair Sana has a vision of thalassemia free society of Pakistan in 2040, ensuring availability of best tools & techniques for the treatment, reducing the prevalence of…

What is

Omair Sana Welfare Foundation (OSWF) started off as a diversified NGO, operating in the three verticals. Blood Diseases , Medical Relief and General Welfare.In Thalassaemic…


At Thallassemia Foundation, we are dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by thalassemia. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to provide medical, financial, 

Thalassemia Screening
0 +
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
0 +
Years Of Serving
0 Years

Key Initiatives of Omair Sana Welfare Foundation (OSWF)

Omar Sana Welfare Foundation (OSWF) started off as a diversified NGO, operating in the three verticals. Blood Diseases , Medical Relief and General Welfare.

  1. Free Treatment for Thalassemic Patients
  2. Educational and Social Rehabilitation
  3. Enhanced Quality of Life

Our Commitment Against Thalassemia

Knowledge & Experience to Support a Healthier Life

Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder causing anemia, which requires regular blood transfusions for treatment. Omair Sana Welfare Foundation, with over 15 years of experience, is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support for Thalassemia patients.

Providing regular blood transfusions and medical support.

Raising awareness about Thalassemia prevention and management.

offering genetic counseling and educational programs for families.

Umair Sana Welfare Foundation is dedicated to providing free medical care to thalassemic patients, ensuring they receive the necessary blood transfusions, medications, and regular check-ups. The foundation aims to alleviate the financial burden on families by offering essential treatments at no cost.

Get In Touch

Omair Sana Welfare Foundation—is committed to

creating awareness and support—for people

affected by Thalassemia”