
Our Activities

Omair Sana Welfare Foundation is an NGO, working for Thalassemia Management, Prevention and Rehabilitation since 2005 and has many achievements in this regard. The Foundation, primarily, supports Thalassemia children whose families are financially challenged and therefore, unable to afford the treatment, education, nutrition and a host of social activities & opportunities. The Foundation also has considerable focus on the Prevention of Thalassemia through Research, Pre-natal counselling and Genetic Counseling.

Treatment and Patient support Program

Thalassemia is a fatal illness whereas its treatment is also very expensive. BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) is the only cure for this illness which costs around 4 to 5 Million Rupees which is very expensive. The only choice remains for the patients is to manage this disorder by regular blood transfusion and medication which costs around 15,000 to 20,000 Rs. Per transfusion which is still out of the  reach of ordinary patients. Omair Sana Welfare Foundation caters 300 Thalassemia patients fully or partially. Until now OSWF has also assisted 30 patients financially in BMT process.

Thalassemia prevention Program

Thalassemia is a blood disorder which transfers from Parents to Children. In this disorder patients stop producing blood naturally. The patients in this disorder require Medicine and Blood Transfusion throughout their life. In Pakistan six to seven thousand thalassemia Major patients are born every year. The rapid spread of this disorder in Pakistan is due to the ignorance about this disorder among common population, Marriages with in relatives and no test before marriages.  Because of the increasing number of the patient of this disorder with in the country OSWF has started this organization with a vision to eradicate this disorder by 2040. By the grace of Allah we are working on this mission since 2005.Our office is now located in Yaseenabad, Karachi.

OSWF is utilizing the following methods to fulfill its mission of eradication of Thalassemia from Pakistan in 2040.

A. Electrophoresis HB

The Omair Sana Welfare Foundation is conducting Hb Electrophoresis to prevent the spread of thalassemia. As part of this effort, a Thalassemia Screening Unit has been established at Karachi University to make it a thalassemia-free university. Since 2013, students have been screened at this facility, and so far, 400 students have undergone screening.

B. CVS (Chorionic Villous Sampling)

Under this program more than 500 pre-natal diagnoses has been conducted so far. This is a process by which this blood disorder can be diagnosed of a child only 10 to 14 week during pregnancy. This process is carried for the couple who are on a high risk of giving birth to a Thalassemia Major. This test is also quite expensive and OSWF has conducted these tests on a subsidies price for needy families and to other centers all over Sind Province.

Thalassemia awareness Program

To create the awareness and to prevent spread of this disorder with in the society OSWF is taking following actions.

  1. Organizing the workshops
  2. Thalassemia Genetic career counseling
  3. Publishing Posters, Pamphlets and brochures

Efforts for the implementation of Thalassemia bill by Omair Sana Welfare Foundation

The Thalassemia bill passed in Sindh assembly is a ray of Hope for the prevention of Thalassemia. It is now up to us to implement this law; OSWF is working hard to spread the awareness of the implementation of this bill.

Child Adoption Program

OSWF requests corporations and affluent individuals to support the cost of needy patients for the process of Transfusion and Medication. Alhumdulliah, the individuals and corporations are cooperating with us in this program.

Blood Donors Club

Unfortunately Pakistan is among the Nations where Blood donation inclination is very low. The patients of Thalassemia require blood for their survival therefor they are in constant need of blood supply. OSWF has created a Blood Donors club to overcome this draw back and make blood available for the needy patients all the time.

Following are some of the Events celebrated by OSF in the year 2018.

  • Blood Transfusion
  • Thalassemia prevention awareness Seminars
  • World Thalassemia day Activities
  • Blood donation Camps
  • Free Medical Camps